Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tidy up and other creative pursuits...

Every once in a while, I'll hear a phrase or slang or catch word, that instantly becomes part of my everyday language. Sometimes it drifts away as quickly as it arrived and other times it sticks for good.

From a friend, with an Irish mother, comes the phrase 'having a tidy up'. I'm charmed by it. Much better than cleaning! Somehow funner.

So today, as the sun is shining and the icicles are melting away, we are having a tidy up. There is something about a tidy kitchen that makes my world just a little more right.

Surfing the net recently, I discovered a tutorial for making a change purse. I thoroughly enjoy reading and seeing how others create. Although I don't need a coin purse (thanks to my sister who gave me a totally perfect one), I was inspired to 'tidy up' other aspects of my purse.

The tissue holder is simple and eliminates the noisy rumpled plastic the tissues come in. I love a quick project! Nearly instant gratification. And it went so well, and looked so good (oooo, that doesn't sound very modest) inside my purse I decided to make a check book cover to match.

I am working on another organizer, to hold the myriad of small things that gather in my purse... chapstick, eye drops, lotion, sanitizer... It's still in the planning stages, though, so best left for another day.

I am feeling especially hopeful today. It has been a long cold winter and it's just February 1st. The warmth of the sun brings the promise of spring, which I will hold on to as winter will surely show itself again before the season ends.

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