Monday, November 14, 2011

Life is a journey...

I was watching a documentary the other day and one of the people in it said 'Like everyone else in their forties, I began searching in earnest for why I'm here.' Okay, it's not an exact quote, but it is the essence of what was said. I found that pretty interesting as I've been on a search since somewhere in my mid 30's. Well actually I know when I started looking... it was the year my mother passed away. I have been on the right track and on several wrong tracks. I don't really believe they were 'wrong' so much as necessary steps to get me to what I most desire. I don't pretend to know everything... but this I know with certainty: Life is a journey and everyone's journey is personal and perfect. You don't have to do what anyone else does or you can do exactly what someone else does. The only thing that matters in your life journey is that you are always becoming more you. A better you. A happier you. A more successful you. Whatever it is, just be you. Be more you every single day. This photo is of Lamby Pie (hee hee). It's from last year, but without the camera I'm challenged with mining the photos already on the computer. But, the lack of photos from the past couple of months makes the blog so boring! Plus she's really cute!

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