Been a while. Spring and all the chores that come along with it are so enticing that I just don't seem to be drawn to this blog very much. Hmmm...
I just realized that I don't feel bad about that either. Isn't that interesting. Good and interesting. I used to feel guilty about things done and not done, but I've been spending some quality time with myself to release the negative-ness of guilt. It isn't beneficial to anyone and is quite detrimental to me. I guess I've been fairly successful at it. I like that.
We celebrated our 23rd anniversary. It's quite something and thank God I still love my hubby. Yes, he's annoying and he's a man, but more importantly he's my favorite person in the world.
We've begun a big project, adding onto our garage, which is taking quite a bit of time. It's coming along nicely though.
We've added a new garden to go along with our raised beds. The garden is enormous and I've only managed to fill it part way, but it's all good. We knew the size was too big for this year, but for next it will be awesome!
Our chickens scratched off or ate our tomato seedlings, so we had to make a trip to the nursery to buy replacements. Darn Chickens!
We inherited lots of strawberry plants, which we were able to move one rainy day in early May and they did not miss a beat and now we are enjoying fresh strawberries. My handy husband built a raccoon and chicken proof top that keeps the berries safe. What is also nice is it will keep them contained.
Oh and I've finally joined the ranks of the smart phoners. I love it! It's the most fun and best thing I've purchased in quite some time. Besides the apps, gadgets and whatnot, it makes it easier and more effective to keep in touch. I'm usually the last to join in on the new technology because while I might enjoy it, I don't always value it at the price set by the store/industry. But this phone is worth every penny.
I've managed to fit in a couple of really great sewing projects, which I'll be posting shortly. Gotta take some pictures first.
So it's been a while... but that's okay. It's an exciting time of life. I genuinely love May.
This rose is from a climbing bush. It's starting to bloom now and will continue to bloom through most of the summer. One of my favorites.