Looking back I realize I'm not all that consistent a blogger. Do I feel bad about this... No. I figure I'm the only one who ever reads this (even though I frequently write as though thousands are reading it) and if I don't feel deprived in reading it... Then no biggie.
On to more important things. First let me say summer reading programs are the best. As I've said before, I'm an avid reader. My mother read every day and both my sister and I picked up the bug. There have been times when I've stayed away from books, either because of a lack of time or lack of inspiration. But summer reading programs always get me excited. I discovered a website Goodreads.com some time ago and have spent some time on and off looking at booklists and slowly entering the thousands of titles I've read. Most of which I probably won't be able to recall.
I found a group of seasonal readers, with a tremendous list of 'tasks' that challenged me to think outside the box and venture outside my comfort zone for reading. So far in the month of June I've read 7 books and am working on 8. It's amazing. I've discovered authors I thoroughly enjoyed and books I thought I would but didn't. The tasks are interesting and make me think about what I will read. Not to mention the great wealth of information contained on the Goodreads website. If you like books, try the site. Let me know what you think.
Also... I have a new serger (imagine trumpeting sounds here). It is my big present to myself for 2010. I've always wanted one and now that I have it, I know why. It is as amazing and fantastic as you might imagine. I am in search of things to make with it. So far I've learned to make potholders and eyeglass cases from an amazing book by Georgie Melot called Ready, set, serge. She has created this wonderful patterns that enable you to make fun and useful items sewing only with a serger! I've also used it to finish every seam on every garment I've made since I bought it, which is a jacket, dress, two skirts and one shirt. I'm hoping to make a few pairs of shorts and a couple more dresses before the vacation mid-july.
Finally, for today's post anyway, we enjoyed the most spectacular spring this year. Lots of rain, lots of sunny days and the gardens have been stunning. I'm including a picture of a climbing rose I bought on a whim one fine day and it has in three short summers turned into the most beautiful thing. It grows just as it should, up a rusty wire trellis my husband affixed to the garage and is so stunning that the color looks fake. But, I assure you it is real. It began blooming in early May and continued to bloom for 5 weeks. Then, just when I thought it done for the season, it began blooming again today. I don't think it will be the riot of color it was in May, but I'm thankful and in awe that it continues to bloom.