Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Project Update

So, I was looking back at the posts and realized that I never finished documenting the projects I completed this year. Partly because I'm a nerd and don't always remember to take a picture before I give the gift away and partly because my amazing son is using the camera for school. I'm way over the 30 projects for the year (not even counting the multiples of items like the crochet angels or eyeglass cases. I also extended my creativity to try projects I've never tried before... Including, but not limited to, lotion from scratch (really interesting and fun - but boy is there a science to scent), fermented pickles (quite spicy thanks to a jalapeno or three, but not sour enough... hmmmm) and candles. It's been a fun year of projects and the studio is thankful that things are moving in and through it! Here is a list of other projects completed but not documented by camera: #26 Patchwork skirt, #27 Gray knit shirt, #28 Red, cream & black A-line skirt, #29 Beaded Earrings, #30 Pink Skirt. I'm happy to report that all of these were completed before our vacation in July as I took them with me. So, the 30 projects project was completed in July. Yeah.

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